Post-operative Information

In the lead up to your procedure, Dr Lancashire provides you with an explanation of what to expect post-operatively.
Most patients experience a smooth, uneventful surgery and post-operative recovery.
Despite this, the time after your surgery can be overwhelming. Management of your dressings, stitches, drains, and what activities you can resume can be confusing as they vary depending on what procedure you have had done. If a post-operative complication does arise, most will be minor in nature, and managed simply and quickly.
The resources below can help you plan and manage your post-operative care.
There is a downloadable PDF for each topic. If you have any concerns or need any clarification, you should contact Dr Lancashire.
Click on the PDF links below for information about your post-operative care:
Click on the PDF links below for information about your post-operative care:
Click on the PDF links below for information about your post-operative care:
Or call us on (07) 3054 0694