Dr Ben Lancashire working with his children by his side

Staged Return of Elective Surgery

While non-urgent elective surgery had been on hold, urgent category 1 and 2 cases have continued during the COVID-19 shut down. Last week the Queensland government approved a staged return of certain procedures including breast reconstruction surgery.

We can all appreciate the difficulty the experts would have had making the tough decisions in an unfamiliar and evolving crisis. My sincere apologies to those people whose surgery has been postponed. Rest assured that I am keeping a close eye on the situation and the team will be in contact as soon as we are allowed to schedule your surgery.

I hope that you are all managing at home with the COVID-19 restrictions. For those of you homeschooling children – I salute you! On weekends it has been one big classroom at home with the girls keeping dad company while he works on his Masters degree in Advanced Breast Surgery.